Here is part 2 of My lovely subbie’s sensually humiliating story!
Like it was not on my radar, and I did not break out a ruler every other day; an act which is truly stupid as one cannot really grow week to week like that. Why keep measuring that frequently?   “Hello.  Are you there?” again another soft and throaty chuckle. I HAD to speak. She would think I was an idiot.  If she did not already. But what to say?  How could I respond reasonably?  I knew another guy, a more confident guy, would laugh or joke along or find a way to do this seamlessly, but not me.
“Ummm, Umm, I guess I am about 5 inches,” I half stammered. “Almost 5 inches.”  I felt like that was small, but that it might sound “reasonable”.  I thought she was young and the “proper type” and that she might not have a lot of experience or know a lot about sizes.  She had not, of course, been in the locker rooms where I had been and witnessed first hand that in fact many guys were “big” and most guys were at least “average”.  She could not know all that. How much could she know? Her response though was immediate.  “That does not sound very exciting.”  Flat. To the point. Deadpan. God, she was in total control. There was nothing for me to say. I was incapable. Totally incapable of quipping back. I wished I could, but I knew I could not.  Instead I got quiet.  She sensed it and responded in a mildly humiliating tone. “You’re so quiet,” she said.  (I knew she was mocking me).  “Did the cat get your tongue?”  More quiet.  A little more stammering.  She found my weak spot.  It was like she was “in my head”.  She seemed to know it.  I wanted to be a man with her.  She was not about to allow that. She made it clear, crystal clear, that to her I was not a man in her eyes.  I better never dare to even try to be  a man with her. (to be continued)