The Stygian Submissive

Click HERE to listen to Me Read this! So what the hell is a “stygian submissive” you ask?? It is a type of submissive I coined Myself.  I didn’t like calling this particular male submissive archetype  “dark” because well Mistress thought...

BDSM & Boundaries

Click HERE to listen to Me read this!! Boundaries are important for many reasons.  I believe that people that don’t respect their own boundaries certainly won’t respect yours either.  As a Mistress I’m expected to both push and enforce boundaries...

Kink in Mainstream Culture

Click HERE to listen to Me read this! It seems that BDSM and kink in general is infiltrating the main stream more and more these days. I’m not just talking about trash novels like 50 shades of Stupid or anything like that. Those types of portrayals of BDSM and...

Tickle Humiliation

I have a subbie who gets assy now and again. with Mistress  So naturally I believe in swift firm justice of the ten elegant tickling kind; that’s right My fingers.  He has a tendency to be entirely too analytical, to the point of driving Me absolutely fucking...

Kinky Questions of Self Inquiry

If you’re anything like Me, you’re constantly questioning why things are the way they are; governments, cultures, galaxies and especially people.  Awhile back I had someone ask Me why they were into what they’re into.  Having only the current...

Slippery Slope of Submission

Mistress on your Mind So it’s been awhile since you’ve had the privilege of reading My prose. Summer is well on it’s way and I’ve been enjoying some time doing exactly what I do best; whatever I want.  It’s interesting how one tiny...