I accidentally posted the beginning of a different story yesterday instead of the rest of this one. In typical millennial fashion, I blame it on My ADD, baby.  Anyway, in the first installment of our sexy story a warrior was brought low by the faggoty twink elves of Queerinmere.  The warrior’s body was tied fast as the male elves took their turns cumming in him. Every time that happened, he became more and more like them. The golden brown war weathered skin became white as alabaster, smooth and hairless.  He had forgotten his aggressive masculine ways and was completely lost in a hedonistic reverie. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a light, and it got brighter and closer.  It was the fairy Queen of the Faggoty Elves of Queerinmere. She was like cruel sunlight and cold moon light staring at him in blinding beauty.  She lifted a regal brow and made a  clearly disgusted face. He blinked with a cock in his mouth, and he heard an ultra feminine, but strong voice say with utter disdain. …. “You… once a strong, proud warrior have turned into a cock sucking sissy elf, how pathetic she said.”  “Oh,”he begged. “Not me, surely you could give me some pussy, and I wouldn’t be gay,” he quivered.  “You are unworthy,” she said flatly.  “Only the strong,  straight, tried and true get the chance at procreation.”  These glittery little sodomite elves spend their days eating, fucking, and trying on outfits,” the Queen said . The elves laughed and looked at her lovingly even though she was obviously insulting them  She was their idol, and they adored  Her. The warrior turned faggot elf was overcome in the orgiastic ecstatic shame of it all.  Queen Drestlebee smirked as she glowered over him and whispered in his ear “Tell Me what you are now,” she commanded.  “A FAGGOT!!  I’M A FAGGOT,” he cried out in a helpless paroxysm.  Drestlenbee’s laugh soared among the gay elves laughter that could be best described as a delighted diabolical giggle.  The newly converted warrior  looked up at the sinewy pale elf while he was sucking his cock, and he looked down at him and smiled.  “You are one of us now,” he almost sang out with his effeminate voice. …..”you’re one of us.”