Humiliation Strategies for the Losers
I get hit on a lot. Being beautiful is a blessing and a curse sometimes *sigh*. Of course I enjoy this attention if it’s from an attractive guy, but get a couple of beers in a loser and he thinks he’s actually good enough to approach Me. So what’s a girl to do? Well I find humiliation to be a sure fire way to stop a loser in his tracks. Nothing says I’m not interested like an outright ignore, a snarky snobby face or just simply turning your back to him in mid- sentence. I understand you guys all strive for an out of your league woman, it makes you feel good about yourself….but puleaze.
So Many Losers…….. Not Enough Loser Lines
Sometimes there is a guy who just doesn’t take a hint. He’s the creepy close talker, the not so subtle grab-asstic douche who thinks time is on his side and he can wear you down by being omnipresent. Ohhh hell no. Luckily I have a backup plan which is the loser line. It’s a phone number you give a dum dum that isn’t your real number complete with a lovely humiliation message when he calls. I’d like to kiss the person who thought this up because it’s become My personal lifesaver on more than a few occasions. So next time you get your little four incher in a bunch and feel like you just might’ve been good enough to get a hottie’s number you better check it, cause you might have got bitch slapped with the loser line!
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