Being a Woman is Awesome

It’s no mystery why sissies would want to be women. Being a woman is wonderful! We have all the best clothes and shoes to wear hands down. Anytime you go into a department store the men’s section takes up less than one fourth of the store while the you see the women’s apparel sprawled all over the place. Women have more of license to be creative with dress while men who do this are seen as metro sexuals or a little light in the loafers. I think this is an unfortunate pigeon holing aspect of gender identity issues. A person should feel free to express themselves how they see fit as long as it’s not harmful to themselves or another.

Femininity is an art form

Being womanly is like being an animated work of art. The Geisha are an example of this type of art form taken to stylistic extreme. Most people have the mistaken idea that they are prostitutes. This is not the truth they are artists that live, breathe and move as a living piece of art. I really enjoy being feminine and expressing Myself this way through My clothing. I do this other way as well how I decorate My space, My art and poetry. I see sissies doing the same thing getting in touch with their feminine sides and expressing themselves in this way. Rock on gurls! Life is too short to shy away from the wonder of panties and the thrills of frills. I’ll be happy to help you on your creative journey to gurlihood. I’m a make up diva and fashionista so feel free to bring your feminine questions My way ;).