The paradox of pain

Masochism has always been somewhat of a mystery to Me. Life can be complicated enough as it is without a person willingly putting themselves into the fire. However it’s the fire that appeals to a rare sort of individual who can transmute that pain into pleasure. This interesting creature looks to please his Mistress by how much he can take This type of person can use that experience to have a moment of respite however brief from the shackles of self. In this sense pain can be a type of Balm of Gilead for the spirit that helps someone break out of their old paradigm and see things anew.

Hurting the body for the sake of the spirit

Some would rather feel pain than the abysmal monotony of self contained numbness.  This numbness can be isolating and lonely. The feeling of being whipped, spanked or tormented psychically in some way releases  the shackles of self imposed containment ; for a moment the masochist feels a type of divine union in transcending pain and the separate self.

The Golden Mean

Nature detests imbalances and always seeks homeostasis.  The body reflects that wisdom in its ability to feel the truth the rational mind refuses to accept. I think these practices take the masochist outside of his head into the visceral reality of what’s happening in the present moment.  Zen masters even used pain to bring their students into the present moment sometimes hitting them over the head or even throwing them out the window.  It’s in the now that we are truly alive. When you are caught in the past or projecting the future you might as well be an automaton that burps, farts and jerks off . I’m looking forward to sharing the present moment with you however it may flower into kinky wonderfulness;).