A man’s desire for female authority

I’m rereading Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth. It’s interesting how although a book’s words may be the same you get something entirely different from it depending on where you’re at in your life experience. When I examine the feminine archetype of a Mistress in the context of domination I feel it is the many different faces of the Goddess in one archetype. There are both the elements considered light and dark within it and depending on how you were imprinted sexually those elements become most meaningful to you as a submissive male. Ultimately I believe the root to either polarity of Mistress comes from a desire for female authority whether kind or cruel……irrational or the voice of wisdom.


Female domination as means for self expansion

I think the seduction of domination and submission lie in the ability to experience self and other differently. The relinquishing and exerting of perceived control has the ability to stimulate our brains creating a cornucopia of feel good chemicals. Sometimes the willful acceptance of pain helps us to overcome it. A Mistress’s role in this sense can be the arbiter of the transcendent. The line between profane and profound is in perception and sexuality has varying degrees of those distinctions. I’m always looking past the line ;).

The reemergence of the Goddess

I see a huge need in our society for balanced female authority. It’s kind of funny I have Cherokee heritage and in that tribe the women made all the big decisions….it must be in My DNA !! So as I write this I’m wondering what your perspective is? How do these feminine archetypes relate to your sexuality and why? I’d be interested to find out and add it to My repertoire of  knowledge. I love learning what makes you tick!! Feel free to email Me at jenna@enchantrixempire.com or hit Me up on yahoo jennaenchantrix@yahoo.com , I’m looking forward to it!